Top 10 Packages you can use with your GoLang Project
Go is an amazing language that you can use to build almost any kind of program. Developed in 2007, it has the ease of an interpreted language while also being fast and efficient as a compiled language. It was also built thinking about concurrency and getting advantage of the multicore machines. You can even write programs to embedded devices.
An attempt to mimic the primary features of the set data structure from Python into Go.You can know more about it here.
Go kit
It is a toolkit to implement microservices. It handles the basic about a distributed system, so you can focus on your business logic.
It is a Go “clone” of the famous Python requests library. You can easily do a HTTP request, upload/download a file, or serialize a response into JSON or XML.
The package ws implements a client and server for the WebSocket protocol. It has some nice features, such as zero-copy upgrade and low-level API in case you want to write your own logic.
You can know more about it here.
A robust and flexible email library. It provides a more human interface to send emails using Go.
You can add attachments, send text / html messages, or add custom headers, in a very clear way.
Go library that provides a fuzzy string matching in the same style as Sublime, VSCode, etc.
It only depends on the Go standard library, and it is fast. It is a good choice if you want to add a search functionality to your application.
Github here.
This package provides a pure Go implementation of UUID, supporting both creation and parsing.
If you want to add support to GraphQL, then this is your package. It supports queries, mutations, and subscriptions.
Check the Github here.
Outstanding library for error handling. The main feature is to handle the error identical to the official way, but with the addition of an annotation without losing the original error context (files and line numbers).
It is both a library to create CLI programs as well as a program to help you create a well-structure application.
It has great features as nested commands, flags, intelligent suggestions, help generation, and more.