Why python is trending nowadays?
If you’re new to programming and looking for an easy way to code, well, you have your answer. Python is the way to commence your journey owing to its simple and direct syntax. Python is a very reliable and efficient programming language which provides an unchallenging platform to code as compared to the other modern programming languages and is easy to learn.
What is Python
Python is an interpreted programming language launched in 1991 with an emphasis on readability. Python is an open-sourced language and it has been used on a number of large scale projects including Google, YouTube etc. The popularity of Python has been growing ever since its inception mainly due to the uncomplicated and straightforward syntax of the language. This helps the user to get a good understanding of Python and has hence led to the language being used in Data Science, Web development and many more fields of technology.
Why is Python so popular?
There are a number of reasons for the increasing trend of python being used extensively. Let’s have a look at a few of them.
- Easy to learn and use: Python has become increasingly accessible because of its simplified syntax. This helps in the easy execution and compilation of the Python programs. Python being an interpretable language is easily editable and thus has been increasing its popularity among the programmers. Also, Python codes can be written and executed much faster than other languages codes.
- Assistance from Corporate sponsors: Python received huge support from corporate giants such as Facebook, Amazon and Google. Google backed Python by adopting it in 2006 and invested heavily for the success of the language. Since then, Python has been receiving constant support for its development and has kept on growing in the developers’ world.
- Large number of libraries and frameworks: Corporate sponsorship led to Python developing a number of exceptional libraries which have helped save time during the initial phases of development. Python also received support from cloud media services in the form of a number of library like tools which turned out to be extremely beneficial.
- Use in Internet of things: In the modern times, Internet of things is a rapidly growing concept and Python is being heavily used in its implementation. Devices like Raspberry pi are using Python for the transfer of data over Bluetooth and other communication methods.
- Use in data science and AI: The areas where Python is found most these days are Data science and AI. Python’s built-in libraries helps in the functionality needed by a data scientist. Libraries like NumPy, Pandas, SciPy are of great use. Performing advanced calculations with Python is helpful for data analysts and scientists.
Python vs Other languages
Unlike other languages Python is interpreted so there is no need to invoke a compiler. Python is a high-level language which makes it easy to understand. This enables python’s portability to run on different types of computers. Python can be used for nearly everything making it a general purpose language. It is also an object-oriented language helping it to think of problems in the form of classes and objects. These are the reasons why Python’s popularity has been sky rocketing.
- Web development
- Game development
- AI and Machine learning
- Software development
- Desktop GUI applications
The progression of Python is rapid and it may soon become the best programming language. The fascinating and significant qualities has already taken it to new heights and is thus becoming the major programming language for start-ups. Its versatility along with popularity makes it a suitable choice to learn for beginners as well as experienced programmers.